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Last Days of Montreal

Last Days is a message…

Last Days is a state of mind.


[…] ribald, serious fun – subTerrain
[…] the period just before, during and after the 1995 Referendum is an inspired choice of setting for a novel. –  Montreal Gazette
[…] gritty, tragicomic…skillfully and humorously explores the political tensions in Quebec society in the 1990’s – Prairie File
[…] compassion, a quality Last Days of Montreal possesses in spades. – Montreal Review of Books
This book whets the appetite for a good laugh and delivers. […] light, love, eroticism and grace in many guises. […] a delightful romp through the hazards and perils of living in Montreal. – subTerrain

Link to John Brooke titles at Signature Editions

Last Days of Montreal

Sometimes the best thing to do is munch a beautiful apple, crack open a perfect beer – and enjoy!
